Commercial Pool Liners
Commercial & public pools. The local pool is crucial to a community’s social, health, and educational requirements. Yet when well maintained and running efficiently, a valuable asset to attract visitors and new residents.
Many of the public pools across Victoria are over forty years old, leaking, and in a deteriorated state.
Commercial pools are generally box-formed concrete with construction joints allowing for expansion/contraction. These joints are often a significant leakage point requiring regular re-packing to prevent water loss. Couple this with structural cracks developed over many years of ground movement.
Dealing with all these leakage points individually can be tricky. With the possibility of new leaks developing, it’s best that you leave it to the professionals. Our team at Liner Specialists Australia are experts in commercial and public pool re-lining. Keep your community safe, and in the water, entrust our team to do the fixing for you.
Commercial Swimming Pool Liners
After being confronted with pool leaks, council is left with few options, inclduing:
- Close the facility
- Close the existing centre and build a replacement, potentially costing millions of dollars
- Carry out stop-gap repairs, which may or may not last the next swimming season
- Refurbish the existing pools using a proven system that could extend the life of the pool. By fixing the existing pool, you will add years onto it’s life
Commercial Pool Membrane
Our solution is to install Aquaforce reinforced vinyl membrane into the existing structures. We are using our patented locking system, which creates a ‘shell within a shell.’ It can withstand even substantial structural movement.
We have refurbished the Croydon Memorial Pools, Donal Pool, Wycheproof Pool, and Olinda Pool. We’ve also worked on, the 50m pool at Glen Eira Sports and Aquatic Centre, with a vinyl membrane. Along with the renewal and repair of some pipe work, our team have left these facilities leak-free.

Here Are Some Key Advantages Of Our Service:
1. Waterproofing:
Pool liners provide an effective barrier that prevents water from leaking out of the pool. It ensures the pool’s structural integrity and helps maintain the desired water level.
2. Durability:
Commercial pool liners are designed to be durable and resistant to wear and tear. They can withstand regular exposure to chemicals, UV rays, and physical stress. We are making them a durable option for commercial pools.
3. Aesthetic Appeal:
Pool liners come in various colours, patterns, and textures, allowing you to customize the appearance of your commercial pool. They can enhance the visual appeal of the pool and create an inviting atmosphere for guests.
4. Easy Maintenance:
Commercial pool liners are relatively easy to clean and maintain. They have a smooth surface that resists algae and other microbial growth. This reduces the need for frequent scrubbing and chemical treatments. Any potential damage or wear to the liner can be repaired or replaced more than a concrete or fiberglass pool.
5. Comfort:
The smooth texture of pool liners adds a layer of comfort for swimmers and makes their experience more enjoyable. Liners also help to prevent slips and fall due to their non-slip properties, enhancing safety in the pool area.
Reinforced vinyl membranes are also ideal for inground swimming pools. These are found in schools, aged care facilities, resorts, and holiday parks.